Can I add Google Analytics tracking to my website?
Yes, Xara offers a quick and easy way to add tracking code to your webpages allowing you to monitor your website's traffic using Google's reporting tools.
The Analytics tab in Web Properties provides a convenient way to do this. Copy the script provided by Google Analytics (or similar service) and insert it in to the tracking code field.
Click OK, and the code will be applied to the <head> section of every page.
You need to have an account with Google to use the Analytics features - click the Analytics Website button to visit the site and create an account if you don't already have one, or to login to an existing account.
Tip: Updating your Google tracking code
Before there was an Analytics tab in Web Properties, it was possible to add the Analytics code to the <head> header in HTML in several places in the software, so you might need to check that you haven't placed an older script code in one of them. So if you think you previously added tracking, please check:
Web Properties -> Analytics
Web Properties -> Website -> HTML Code <head>.
Web Properties -> Page -> HTML Code <head>
Other objects that may have been used as a placeholder for the code ( Web Properties -> Placeholder -> HTML Code <head>).