Can I add QR codes to my website

Web Designer & Designer Pro offer a selection of QR code widgets in Elements / Designs Gallery. You can find these for the classic 'freeform' web templates in Print & Web Components >  Other.

Currently Elements/ Designs Gallery includes widgets from Bitly and QRCode Monkey.  Both these services allow you to create a QR code and download an image file.  See  Adding widget placeholders manually  for instructions on replacing a placeholder with a graphic file.   There is also an internal QR Widget .  Please see the internal widgets section from Widgets in Xara   Our library of templates and widgets is frequently updated so check Elements/Designs Gallery for the latest widgets.

If you don't intend to use one of the bundled widgets you can also insert the code for a solution from another provider into a placeholder - see the article Adding widget placeholders manually .

Related Pages:

Web Editable Widgets such as Bitly QR and QRCode Monkey


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