Widgets with special instructions
The majority of Web Editable Widgets found in the Designs Gallery can be inserted by pasting the HTML code into the Edit widget dialog. Special instructions are required for a small selection to ensure the widget displays and functions correctly across variants.
Mailerlite forms
Mailerlite will provide a JavaScript snippet when you create a form. The code is split into two parts:
The top section must be added to the widgets HTML Code (head) section.
1. Select to edit the Mailierlite widget to display the Edit widget dialog
2. Click the Advanced button to be directed to the placeholder tab of Web Properties. Select the HTML Code (head) button.
3. Copy the top section of the code from Mailerlite and replace the existing code in the HTML Code (head) section and click OK.
4. Select to edit the widget again to display the Edit widget dialog. Now copy the second part of the code from Mailerlite and replace the current code applied to this section and click OK.
Gumroad buttons or product embeds
Gumroad's embed code will consist of a script element and either a div element or a link element depending on what you are embedding. The script element has already been applied to the HTML Code (head) section for any Gumroad widgets used in web blocks. You therefore only need to copy the div / link element when replacing the code in a Gumroad widget with the code for your own Gumroad widget.
1. Select to edit the Gumroad widget to display the Edit widget dialog
2. Copy everything from the Gumroad embed code after the closing script element
3. Replace the code shown in the Edit widget dialog with the code copied in step 2 and click Ok.
Select the platforms followed by Xara to retrieving your embed code from Jotform
Paypal buttons
It is not possible to insert multiple instances of a smart Paypal button on one page. Advanced users may find a solution by referring to Paypal developer documentation and other sources such as stack overflow. This limitation does not occur when using the Paypal buttons provided once you login from https://www.paypal.com/buttons/