Image slicing
Large, complex graphics for web pages can produce large files which take a long time to download over the Internet. You can reduce this problem by "slicing" the image into sections which can be downloaded separately.
Another use of slicing is optimization. For example, if you have a photo on a plain flat color background, then you can optimize the graphic by exporting just the high detail area (photo) as a JPEG or 256-color GIF, and the other areas as, say, a 2-color GIF. This minimizes the amount of data to download.
To slice an image:
- Named objects control slicing, so give the part of the image to go on its separate slice (for example, the photo) a name. Use theName Gallery or the Names icon on the Selector Tool InfoBar. (For more complicated images you might want to name more objects.)
- In the Name Gallery choose the export options for the slice. Click Exports from the dropdown menu, click on the file type next to the named image, set your export options as you wish for that slice, and then click Apply.
For more on the Name Gallery refer to Document Handling.
Export the graphic in slices
You do not need to specify how to slice the image as Xara Designer Pro+ does this automatically from the information in the Name Gallery.
- Select the complete image including any slices
- Select "File -> Export image in slices".
- Select the file format (this will apply to all areas of the image other than your slice).
- The file name is the HTML file that contains the HTML code for the sliced image. You can change the file name if required.
- Click Save.
- Select the required save options (these will apply to all areas of the image other than your slice).
- Click Export to save the sliced image.
To prevent specific named objects from slicing:
- In the dropdown list in the Name Gallery, select Slices.
- Names with a check beside them slice the graphic – if necessary, deselect any check boxes.
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